Magnetic rails
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Application of magnetic rails for can transport
With magnetic rail components, you build your own magnetic transport system. This allows you to transport various product flows such as empty or full tins, lids, crown caps and so on. Figuring out the different types of magnetic rails you need and their numbers can be a challenge. We are here for you, contact our technical experts, they will be happy to help.

AA: straight-ahead version
For straight product flows with constant magnetic strength. Suitable for installation between other magnetic rails.

AB and AC: dissipating version
With dissipating magnetic field for transition from magnetic to non-magnetic transport and vice versa. The dissipating magnetic field guarantees uniform, trouble-free transition.
- Type AB for installation at the end of the magnetic conveyor
- Type AC for installation at the beginning
BA and BB: tapered version
With tapered design for optimal transition to a magnet roller.
- Type BA for installation in front of a magnet roller
- Type BB for installation behind a magnet roller

BC and BD: tapered and dissipating version
With tapered shape and dissipating magnetic field for transition from magnetic to non-magnetic transport and vice versa.
- Type BC for installation in front of a magnet roller
- Type BD for installation behind a magnet roller

Magnetic rails are used for straight product flows or flows with side in-feed or discharge. The most suitable magnetic rail version depends on the position in the conveyor system.
Various functions are possible. Magnetic rails are also available in a waterproof version.