High-frequency demagnetization tunnels
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Demagnetization tunnels rectangular or round passage
Rectangular passage:
For long, thin-walled products and materials with an irregular surface.
- drill bits and other machine tools
- sprockets and gears
- bolts, nuts and other fasteners
- steel components in the automotive industry

Round passage:
For installation in a pipe system and for demagnetizing round products such as:
- pipes
- balls in ball bearings
- links in push belts
- steel dust in air filter systems
- steel blasting grit for blast cleaning

These tunnels demagnetize long products and materials with an irregular surface. For thin-walled products with a wall thickness of up to 10 mm or solid products up to 20 mm thick. High-frequency tunnels demagnetize thin wall steel products at a frequency of 50/60 Hz. You can connect these directly to the mains power. Also available with conveyor belt or roller conveyor for automated processes.