Mobile demagnetization unit
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Mobile demagnetization unit
The control trolley is equipped with an interface with pre-programmed basic functions that allow you to remove magnetism from the most common products yourself, without much knowledge of demagnetisation. By answering a number of questions in a display, the demagnetization system automatically gets the right setting. The cable can be rolled up and down quickly using the reel and the trolley is easy to move. This gives you a compact and flexible demagnetization system always within reach.
- This set is also used by our own specialists, who come to you when you use our demagnetisation service on location.
The mobile demagnetizing unit is intended for your own use, without the intervention of a Goudsmit specialist. The unit consists of a control box on wheels and a demagnetizing cable on a trolley. A demagnetizing coil is formed by wrapping the cable around a product. The control unit generates a strongly alternating magnetic field of dissipating strength.